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李宏飞 博士

发布于:2022-09-14 浏览:

李宏飞,男,1967年生,中共党员,陕西佳县人,工学博士, 博士后, 三级教授,留学回国人员,陕西省教学名师,陕西省“一流专业”负责人。现任陕师院数学与统计学院院长,兼任陕西省数学会数学教育分会副理事长,陕西省工业与应用数学会理事,受聘AUTOMATICA》《IEEE TAC》等十多个控制领域著名期刊的稿件审阅人。获陕西高等学校科学技术二等奖1项(排名第一),陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖1项(排名第一),陕西学前师范学院教学成果一等奖2项(排名第一、第二各1项)TOP期刊《AUTOMATICA》优秀审稿人奖
















1. 2016.1-2019.12 多水下航行器协调作业的分布优化算法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(61573288),第一参与,结项

2. 2014.7-2017.9具有分布时滞或时变时滞微分差分系统的稳定性,陕西学前师范学院人才引进项目(2014DS019),主持,结项

3. 2011.1-2013.12微分泛函双时滞系统的稳定性研究,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2011JM1009),主持,结项

4. 2009.1-2011.12 具有离散和分布时滞的微分泛函双系统的稳定性,陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(2009JK834),主持,结项

5. 2006.1-2008.12 中立型时滞系统的鲁棒控制,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项(2006A13),主持,结项

6. 2006.1-2008.12 不确定中立型时滞系统的鲁棒控制,陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(06JK149),主持,结项

7. 2006.1-2009.12 中立型时滞系统的降阶观测器设计控制,榆林学院高学历人才科研启动项目(06GK003),主持,结项

8. 1999.1-2000.12 时滞微分方程的振动性,陕西省教委科研项目,参与,结项


Li Hongfei, Zhang Lijun. Stability of Difference- Integral Delay Equations, Pro. of the 39th Chinese Contr. Conf. Shenyang of ChinaJuly 27-29, 2020,p 874-879.

Li Hongfei, Zhang Lijun. A Completely Quadratic LKF for Coupled Differential -Functional Equations with Continuous Distributed Delays. Pro. of the 36th Chinese Contr. Conf.,Dalian of China, July 26-28,2017, p365-369.

Li Hongfei. Stability of CDFEs with Multiple Known and Unknown Delays: Discretized LKF Approach, Pro. of 2016 Int. Conf. on Aut. Contr. and Inf. Eng.,Hang Kang of China, Oct. 22-23,2016, p139-141.

Li Hongfei. Refined Stability of a Class of CDFE with Distributed Delays, Pro. of the 34th Chinese Contr. Conf.,Hangzhou of China, July 28-30,2015. 1435-1440.

Li Hongfei. Discretized LKF Method for Stability of Coupled Differential-Difference Equations with Multiple Discrete and Distributed Delays. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2012; 22: 875 –891

Li Hongfei, Yao Xianbao, Huo Lina. Discretized LKF Approach for Stability of a Class of Coupled Differential-Difference Equations with Multiple Known and Unknown Delays, Pro. of the 30th Chinese Control Conference,Yantai of China, July 29-31,2011, p1137-1142.

Li Hongfei. Stability of Coupled Differential-Functional Equations with Discrete and Distributed Delays via Discretized LKF Method, Pro. of CCDC2011,Mianyang,Sichuan,China,May 23-25,2011,p2984-2989.

Li Hongfei. Discretized LKF Approach for Coupled Differential- Difference Equations with Multiple Discrete and Distributed Delays, Pro. of the 29th Chinese Contr. Conf.,Beijing of China, July 29-31,2010, p868-873.

Li Hongfei, Gu Keqin. Discretized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional for Coupled Differential - Difference Equations with multiple delay channals. Automatica, 2010, 46:902-909.

Li Hongfei, Gu Keqin. Discretized Lyapunov- Krasovskii Functional Method for Coupled Differential-Functional Equations with Discrete and Distributed Delays, Proceedings of ASCC,the 7th Asia Control Reference, Hong Kang of China, Aug. 27-29, 2009, p39-44.

Li Hongfei. H Performance for Coupled Differential- Difference Systems With Time-Varying Uncertainties, Proceedings of the 4th Inter. Conf. in Optimization and Control, Harbin of China, June 7-9, 2009, p221-231.

Li Hongfei, Gu Keqin. Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach for coupled differential- difference equations with multiple delays, Delay Differential Equations: Recent Advances and New Directions. Editors: B. Balachandran, T. Kalmar Nagy, and D. Gilsinn, Springer, 2009, p1-30.

Liu Yi ,Li Hongfe,i Gu Keqin. Stability of coupled differential-difference equations with block diagonal uncertainty, Topies in Time-Delay Systems:Analysis, Algorithms and Control. Eds: J-J. Loiseau, W. Michiels, S-I. Niculescu, R. Sipahi, Springer, 2009, p73-84.

Liu Yi,Li Hongfei,Gu Keqin. Stability of differential-difference equations with norm-bounded uncertainty, Pro. of The World Control Reference, Chongqing of China, July 17-19, 2008.

Li Hongfei,Gu Keqin. Discretized Lyapunov- Krasovskii functional for systems with multiple delay channals, Proceeding of ASME 2008 DSCC, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, Oct. 20-22, 2008, p1-8.

Li Hongfei,Zhou Jun. Delay-Independent Robust Guaranteed-Cost Control for Uncertain Linear Neutral Systems,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2007, 18(4): 858-864.

Li Hongfei,Luo Xuebo. The Robust Stabilizing Feedback For a class of Nonlinear Uncertain Neutral Systems with Multiple Time Delays, Chin. Quart. J. of Math., 2006, 21(3): 416-422.

李宏飞,周军.时变不确定中立型系统的鲁棒H性能,应用数学, 2007, 20(3): 621-626.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 一类线性中立型摄动系统基于LMI方法的反馈镇定, 工程数学学报,2006,23(4): 663-670.

李宏飞, 罗学波,周军. 多时滞非线性不确定中立型系统的时滞相关性鲁棒镇定, 兰州大学学报, 2006,42(3):124-128

李宏飞, 罗学波. 中立型高阶偏微分方程解的振动性与渐近性, 科技通报,2005,21(3): 247-252.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 不确定线性中立型时滞系统的鲁棒H_inf反馈控制,内蒙古大学学报,2005,36(2):219-224.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 具有非线性扰动的中立型系统的鲁棒稳定性,西南师范大学学报, 2004,29(2): 539-544.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 具有Neumann边值条件时滞抛物系统的最优边界控制,西北大学学报,2004,34(2): 128-132.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 一类中立型间接控制系统的鲁棒绝对稳定性, 纯粹数学与应用数学, 2004,19(2): 166-172.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 不确定中立型Lurie控制系统的鲁棒稳定性, 甘肃科学学报, 2004,16(2):8-11.

李宏飞, 罗学波. 中立型线性系统基于观测状态的反馈控制器设计, 兰州理工大学学报, 2004,30(4): 134-137.

李宏飞. L-区间的分类, 宝鸡文理学院学报, 2001,21(3): 174-175+195.

李宏飞,王志斌.变系数变时滞高阶非线性中立型方程的振动性, 工程数学学报, 2000,17(3):121-124

李宏飞,李超.奇阶中立型微分方程的振动性,宝鸡文理学院学报, 2000,20(2): 101-102+141.

李宏飞,王志斌. 变系数一阶中立型微分方程的振动性, 纯粹数学与应用数学, 1999,15(1):49-53.

李宏飞.一类积分微分方程的振动性, 甘肃科学学报, 1999,11(4):83-87.

李宏飞. 一类一阶中立型常系数微分方程振动的充分条件, 延安大学学报, 1999,18(4): 19-24.

李宏飞. 一阶时滞微分方程的振动性, 纺织高校基础科学学报, 1999,12(1): 22-25.

李宏飞,高玉彪. 一阶中立型微分方程的振动性, 纺织高校基础科学学报, 1999,12(4): 325-329

李宏飞. 一类弱奇性积分方程的解, 微分方程理论和应用(刘永清、俞元洪、林师仲编), 全国微分方程会议论文集, 1998,p475-477.

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